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About Perth Mortgage Centre

More than 30 Years of Experience

Our ultimate aim is to take the hard work out of planning a stable and rewarding financial future for each client. 

The majority of our clients come to us through personal recommendation and professional referrals, and we are very aware that only by continuing to look after their financial planning needs appropriately, year-on-year, will we be able to grow and sustain our business.

Our goal then is to apply our knowledge and skills to provide you with financial advice that you can trust, so that you can look to the future knowing that your assets are working hard on your behalf. 

We can help you develop the right financial strategy for your circumstances and personal attitude to risk, and we will work with you to actively manage and protect your wealth over time.

We are your advisers, and will always listen to what's important to you and evaluate which products on the market are most appropriate to your requirements at any particular time. We look to create a financial plan that can support your goals as circumstances change, and our regular review calendar (at least once a year) means that we can keep your plans and investments on track as life evolves. By doing so, we establish a long-term relationship with each of our clients. 

The benefits of seeking out a professional financial adviser when you are looking to make major financial decisions has been shown to increase your chances of being in a better financial position in years to come.

Working with us means that you’ll always benefit from informed advice, backed up by years of practical experience. As advisers we can select products from a panel of over 50 lenders, unlike an adviser who works for your bank, who offers tied advice relating only to the products sold by that financial group. 

Getting a good mortgage deal, receiving appropriate pension advice, protecting yourself from financial shocks, and investing for a rainy day (or that sunshine retirement cruise) all need in-depth research, evaluation and planning. Any decision can have a major impact on your future wealth, so don’t allow these vital decisions to become stressful and time consuming – take advantage of our expert’s support and guidance. 

Our advice can only be truly successful if we have a full understanding of your current circumstances and ultimate aims, so please be open and honest with us, because our recommendations will be based on the information you provide. 

As with all financial and insurance firms, from the largest multinational bank to the sole trader, our conduct is regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority, which is an independent watchdog. When our adviser is discussing any regulated product with you, (including investments or insurance) you will be protected by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). 

If we are discussing an unregulated product with you as an option, your adviser will explain to you that you may not have the added protection of the FOS or FSCS, so you are always aware of the context in which any investment choice will be taken. 


The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.

Alex Stewart, Perth MOrtgage Centre
Our objective is to meet the unique needs of each client by offering an efficient and professional service, kept up-to-date by ongoing review.
Alex Stewart MA(Hons), Cert. PFS
Perth Mortgage Centre


Pensions | Perth Mortgage Centre
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